Heaven for Anime Lovers Anime or animated movie is a lot of love. Call it Sailormoon, Gundam and One Piece, so examples of anime's most loved young people. In Japan, there is a special museum about the anime that can make the tourist craze.
1 Location
Toei Animation Museum located in the complex park Toei Kyoto Studio Park recreation. This recreational park located in Kyoto Japan.
Located not far from Uzumaza Station in Kyoto. Simply walking 10 minutes from the station, tourists have arrived directly at Toei Kyoto Studio Park. Heaven for Anime Lovers
2. Toei Animation Museum
As the name implies, a variety of typical Japanese anime or animation here. His position was at the recreation park and slightly to the inside.
A large room with the words emblazoned Toei Animation Museum. Fresh breeze from the air conditioning in the room instantly felt so tourists arriving in front of the museum.
3 Storing various anime between ages
Heaven for Anime Lovers Go inside the museum, tourists immediately presented with a variety of anime. Not only anime today, but also anime several years ago.Even in the Japanese anime developments maps also exist.
4. Goods about anime
Not only the development of anime posters and maps, various trinkets about anime is also exhibited in this museum. One is a slamdunk trinkets. Hanamichi doll like figures were also there.
5. Statue anime
Heaven for Anime Lovers Anime figurines with large sizes also exist. Starting from Gundam to appear in Magical Doremi today there.
6 Can watch movies
In addition to seeing the exhibition of books, articles and various statues around anime, tourists can also watch the animated movie. This simulcast is available indoors souvenir sales. It is one of the anime being aired, the One Piece. But get ready ya, because the language used is Japanese.
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