The other side of beauty Lebanon

Countries Lebanon once dubbed the "Switzerland" in the Middle East. The capital Beirut, linked to Paris in France.

But the civil war [1975-1990] make tourism and the state of their cities are no longer as comfortable as the old times.

Now under President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister Tammam Salam, Lebanon began to clean since 2006.

Sidon, a city located in the southern coast of Lebanon became one of the popular tourist destination. This town of six thousand years old, and presents many historic buildings and cultural performances.

Until now Beirut is still one exciting destination to visit. Fun nightlife, fantastic restaurants, interesting natural scenery like in Raouche, which has a unique rock Pigeons in its waters.

In addition, according to Lebanese chef we met some time ago at the Mandarin Oriental Jakarta, namely Chef Raymound Abou Rjeily, there are five things that should be attempted when the culinary to the country.

1 Mezzeh. It's a collection of food in small bowls are served along with drinks. Presentation and type may vary. "We probably have 70 types of Mezzeh, because each region has Mezzeh peculiarities of each."

2 Appetizer. Various appetizers in Lebanon is obliged to try. "Like a fried chicken wing, baba ganouj, or Zaatar mabaksih."

3 Shawarma. The food is very famous in Lebanon, much like a kebab, but different in saosnya. Almost in every corner of the streets, shawarma can be found. "Sometimes, some chefs have their own recipe for the marinade its [spice blend reducer raw food], this recipe is usually passed down from his parents."

Grill 4 main course. The main meals are baked. "It's like a barbecue. We sat together and all the menus are presented simultaneously. No appetizers or main, like that. Just sit down to enjoy lunch, which usually occurs at 12 to 4 pm. So this is not just eating, but enjoying the atmosphere, and talk about anything. "

5. Dessert. "It is also an important part in the culinary Lebanon. We love the all sweet. You can try the baklava [pastry crisp in a variety of small form] or mouhalabiah [pudding typical Lebanese] ".
