Although located in the berpadang sand, but this country was awarded the wealth of natural resources abundant petroleum. That the United Arab Emirates, one of the rich countries on earth.
In addition to revenue from petroleum sources, the UAE government also intensified its tourism sector. Abu Dhabi that serves as the capital, plans to build the first underground park in the world.
This project will be done by Heatherwick, a company engaged in the fields of architecture, urban infrastructure, design, and strategic thinking, which was founded in 1994, and is headquartered in King's Cross, London.
Their design is inspired from the ground cracks caused by the heat of the sun. Soil cracks it will be 20 meters tall umbrella for garden environment beneath it.
In this special park, visitors will find a cafe, playground, library, swimming pool, river, palm trees, and a variety of garden plants pengindah.
The plan, the park will be named Al Fayah commenced operations in 2017, and the process begins next year.
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